Frequently Asked Questions
This page contains answers to various questions frequently asked by customers.
Please make use of this information as a reference before making inquiries and consultations.
For businesses
I have a job offer and would like you to process my visa. Can you contact the job offerer directly to prepare the application?
Yes. It is possible for us to directly contact the person who made the offer of employment for a foreign national and proceed with the preparation of the application. We will cc the person in charge of HR so that you can simply check the progress and reduce your workload.
We are hiring a foreigner for the first time. I don't know what procedures I need to follow or what documents I need to submit, and I am worried about whether I will be able to complete the visa procedures before the start of work.
We understand that hiring a foreigner for the first time can be a daunting process. We will provide you with a consultation before you start the visa application process, and will guide you through the process and provide you with the necessary documents for your application.
I have a foreigner I want to hire, but I don't know if I can hire him/her. What should I do?
If you hire a foreigner without knowing whether he or she is able to work or not, you may end up hiring a foreigner who is not able to work and you may be charged with encouraging illegal employment. Please consult with us. During the consultation, we will ask you about the details of the foreigner you want to hire and tell you whether he or she can work or not.
Can you provide visas other than the standard work visa?
We can handle all statuses of residence except for a few such as "Diplomat" and "Official".
A foreign employee forgot to renew his term and overstayed. Will you be able to help us?
There are some cases that we can handle, so please contact us first.
Can I pay my bill for the procedure?
It is possible. We will send you an invoice after the procedure is completed.
How do you handle personal information?
We have established internal information management regulations and regularly disseminate them through internal training and other means.
I'm having trouble managing the expiration date of my foreign employee's visa. Can you help me?
We provide a tool called "Visa Raku®︎" to support our clients.
I have a foreign employee who does not speak Japanese, can you help me with something other than Japanese?
English is available.
Is it necessary for foreign employees to go to the Immigration Bureau if I request it?
We provide a full range of services, from reviewing application documents, preparing the application form, submitting the application to the Immigration Bureau, to receiving the permit. There is no need for you to take time out of your important work to visit the immigration office.
My office is located in Osaka, can I still use your service?
We have offices in Tokyo and Osaka, so we can handle applications at immigration bureaus nationwide in Japan, including the Kanto and Kansai regions. We also offer consultations and meetings via web conferencing, so please feel free to contact us.
For educational Institution
Accordion_title"An international student who is graduating has not yet found a job. Can you help me with visa procedures if I want to continue job hunting after graduation?
Yes, it is possible. Please contact us. We can also help you obtain a visa that will allow you to work after your job search is over.
A foreign student who is graduating has been offered a job. He has been going through the visa procedures by himself, but he is having a hard time completing the screening process. Can you help him?
If the visa process is not completed on the day of hire, you will not be able to start working at the company you were hired by. Please contact us for help. We will listen to your story and support you to find a solution.
I have an international student who is taking a leave of absence. What should I do about visa procedures?
Please consult with us first, as our response will vary depending on the reason for your absence.
I received a notice from the Immigration Bureau that my school is not appropriate. I am worried about the future procedures. Can I consult with you?
If your school is not an appropriate school, the number of documents you need to submit when applying for a visa will increase, and the process will become more complicated. We will provide you with full support so that you can become an appropriate school.
I am an international student who has stayed in Japan. Is it possible to renew my visa?
We will need to confirm your enrollment status to date, so please consult with us first.
I have an international student whose student visa renewal has been denied. Is it possible to reapply?
As this is a difficult application, we will be able to advise you after hearing about your situation in detail.
We have more than 100 international students enrolled, and the visa processing work is becoming a burden. Is it possible for you to handle the visa procedures for such a large number of international students?
We have been doing business with educational institutions that have a large number of international students. With our expertise, our specialists can handle the visa procedures efficiently, even if there are many international students enrolled.
I would like to bring in a foreign professor or researcher from overseas. Can you help me with visa procedures?
We can support you. We can also handle status of residence such as "Professor" and "Cultural Activities".
I'm having trouble managing the enrollment of a foreign student on a visa. Can you help me?
We provide a tool called "Visa Raku®︎" to support our clients.
I have an international student who is taking classes only in English. Can you provide support in languages other than Japanese?
English is available.
Do international students still need to go to the immigration office if they make a request?
We will take care of everything from reviewing the application documents, preparing the application form, submitting the application to the immigration office, to receiving the permit. There is no need for you to take time out of your important classes to visit the immigration office.
My campus is located in Osaka, can I still request it?
We have offices in Tokyo and Osaka, so we can handle applications at immigration bureaus nationwide in Japan, including the Kanto and Kansai regions. We also offer consultations and meetings via web conferencing, so please feel free to contact us.
For indivisuals
My husband has been stationed in Japan and I am living in Japan with him. I am a housewife, but I am going to find a full-time job in Japan. Is it possible for me to work?
If it is determined that you meet the requirements to apply for the status of residence that allows you to work, we will carry out the procedures to change your status of residence.
My parents in my home country are getting old and I would like to invite them to live with me in Japan. Can I invite them?
We will ask you about your situation in detail, and if it is determined that it is possible to bring you here, we will process your visa.
I am living in Japan with my husband who has remarried. I would like to bring my child to Japan, but can I?
We will ask you about your situation in detail, and if it is determined that it is possible to bring you here, we will process your visa.
I got a traffic ticket in Japan. Is it possible to renew my visa?
It depends on the nature of the violation, so please consult with us first.
I'm overseas, how do I make a payment?
We accept payment by bank transfer or credit card.
I have been rejected by other firms. Can I make a request?
Please contact us first so that we can discuss your situation in detail.
Do I have to go to the office to consult or make a request?
You can come to our office for a face-to-face meeting, but we can also conduct the meeting via web conference. If you are far away or too busy to come to our office, please feel free to contact us.
Can I always get permission if I ask for it?
While we will do our best to check your documents and background in advance of your application, we cannot guarantee that you will be granted permission. However, if there is a low likelihood of approval, we will inform you in advance. We will not force you to apply.