Ligareus Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes the types and purposes of use of cookies and web beacons (hereinafter referred to as "Cookies, etc.") used through the website and application services provided by the Company (hereinafter referred to as "Company Websites, etc.") in this Cookie Policy, as well as information on cookie settings, etc.

By using the Company Websites, etc., users are deemed to consent to this Cookie Policy. The Company uses Cookies, etc. to collect certain information for purposes such as analyzing website usage and providing customized services and advertisements to individual users.

1. About Cookies, etc.

  1. A cookie is information sent and received between an individual user's browser and the web server during a website visit, which stores information such as browsing history, settings, and link clicks on the user's PC, smartphone, tablet, or other internet-connected devices.
  2. A web beacon is an invisible, very small image embedded in HTML emails or web pages that records the viewing information on the web server when a user views it.

2. Purposes of Using Cookies, etc.

  1. The Company uses Cookies, etc. to achieve the purposes described in the Company’s Privacy Policy, as well as to enhance user convenience, such as by preventing the need to repeatedly enter the same information while browsing the website.
  2. The Company may use the information collected through Cookies, etc. to analyze users' website usage (access status, traffic, routing, etc.), and to improve the performance of the website itself and enhance the services provided by the Company.
    Additionally, the following tools are primarily used for this analysis, and information may be provided to the tool providers. The information collected through Cookies, etc. by each tool is managed according to the privacy policies of the respective providers.
    ●Google Analytics
  3. Additionally, Cookies, etc. may be used for analysis of email open and click history or behavioral targeting advertisement delivery by advertising service providers that the Company uses or partners with. The information collected through Cookies, etc. by these advertising service providers is managed according to the privacy policies of the respective providers. The advertising service providers that the Company uses or partners with are as follows:

3. How to Reject Cookies

  1. Method to reject all Cookies, etc.
    You can disable cookies by changing your browser settings. However, if you disable cookies, some services on this website may not be available. For instructions on how to change cookie settings, please check with the manufacturer of your browser. For major browsers, please refer to the following:
    ●Apple Safari
    ●Google Chrome
    ●Microsoft Internet Explorer
    ●Mozilla Firefox
  2. Method to reject specific cookies
    For methods to stop providing information to analytical companies and advertising service providers, please contact each company. The analytical companies and advertising service providers the Company uses or partners with are as described in sections 2-2 and 3 above.

4. Changes to This Policy

This policy may be amended in accordance with Article 10, Paragraph 2 of the Company’s Privacy Policy.

5. Contact Information

For inquiries or consultations regarding this policy, please contact the inquiry window described in the Company’s Privacy Policy.




We provide a wide range of services such as visa management and visa business consulting, not to mention the acquisition of work visas on behalf of foreign employees and student visas on behalf of educational institutions.
We also provide consulting services for visa management and visa services.

Other Contents


The following is an introduction to Ligareus' services, detailed procedures, and main actions to be taken.

Features of Ligareus

The following is an introduction to the features and strengths of Ligareus, as well as the clear differences between Ligareus and other immigration law firms and other visa application services in Japan.

About Us

Here you will find information about Ligareus, including a message from the president, our corporate philosophy, and an access map. Please take a look before you contact us.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following are questions and answers that are frequently asked by customers who consult with us. Please make use of this information as a reference before contacting us.

Contact by email Contact by phone +81-50-5526-5762 Open hours: weekdays 9:00~18:00 (Japan Standard Time)